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0001 - Beautiful and Damned (2004)
Musique: Les Reed • Roger Cook
Paroles: Kit Hesketh Harvey
Livret: Les Reed • Roger Cook
Production originale:
1 version mentionnée
Dispo: Résumé  Synopsis  Liste chansons  


Résumé: This 'evocative and glittering' musical, set in the 1920's, follows the story of an outrageously glamorous and fashionable couple - The Scott Fitzgeralds. He's a successful young author and she's the stylish young wife who, together, become the envy of all with their high spending and high-flying lifestyle. They created their own world of enchantment. Scott christened the period The Jazz Age, and Zelda lived it. Yet the darker tale that lay behind the dazzling facade just begged to be told.

Création: 10/5/2004 - Lyric Theatre (Londres) - représ.